Saturday, May 30, 2009


I feel the grass beneath my feet.
I smell the flowers’ perfume sweet.

I taste the fruit fresh from the tree.
I hear the birds as they sing to me.

I touch the blossom on the vine.
I know life is a gift divine.

Lisa McIntosh

Friday, May 29, 2009


We are given a gift each day -- all those wonderful moments that await us. How will we choose to use them? I don't want to waste them anymore. I want to cherish each one and somehow make a difference in my little corner of the world. There is enough anger, bitterness, and rage in the world. I don't want to add to that any longer.

I know I am not perfect, but I am truly dedicated to adding love, peace, and encouragement to the world through the way I conduct myself during each moment that is given to me. There will never be another moment like right now. If I am cleaning the house, I will be cheerful and thankful I have a home to clean. If I am working, I will be grateful I have a job. If I am reading, I will remember all the wonderful people who taught me to read. If I am just sitting with my children, husband, or dog, I will be glad for their company.

Many times, I find myself in a rush to get on to the next thing on my list, the next task to accomplish. I am not saying I have decided to just sit in a field and do nothing. I just think I will be a more content, peaceful person if I find joy in the gift of this moment before me. Some tasks may be more easy to enjoy than others, but as the saying goes, "you can't have a beautiful garden without getting dirt under your nails." But no matter what task is presently occupying our time, we can take a deep breath and remember to be present to what we are doing and do it to the best of our ability with a joyful heart.

We are all important, valuable people no matter what our present occupation. There are people in our lives who depend on us, love us, and to whose lives we bring great joy. Never forget that you are a wonderful person with a gift to give the world. Give the world the gift of your uniqueness. Cherish the moments you are given.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Each day is a new start.
Each day holds promise.

Love is a choice.
I choose to love.

Hope is a choice.
I choose to hope.

The future is bright.
Today, the future begins.

Lisa McIntosh